Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch to Connect to Customers: SPEAKERS

Kate Taylor

Kate Taylor is an abstract artist born in Cambridge, England, and now works out of her studio in Toronto, Ontario. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western University where she was taught painting by the internationally-renowned artist, Paterson Ewen. She is represented by galleries in Canada, the US and UK and has her work in corporate and private collections around the world.

Kate spent the past 12 years in leadership positions at the Artists’ Network – the last 10 as Chair. She is also Co-Founder of Creative Adventures Events, designed for non-artists to explore their creativity; Past President of Kaleidoscope Marketing, specializing in financial services and technology; Past Chair of the Canadian Advertising Museum; Past President of the American Marketing Association and previously on the Executive of the North Toronto Group of Artists.

Judy-Ann Cazemier

Photography gives Judy-Ann Cazemier a thrill, whether it’s capturing a moment in time, selecting the best images from a photo assignment, the satisfaction of seeing her photographs in print, or the excitement of viewing her fine art photography on display in a gallery. Judy-Ann is the author of two self-published books: Bird Book, a portfolio of photographs, and Finding Wings: Photographing Birds in and around Toronto.