Embracing Traditional Learning Through Art

Josy Thomas learned early on the power and importance of the Longhouse Teachings. His grandfather, Jacob Thomas, started his training at age 6 until he passed away when Josy was 17. Join us to learn how Josy used his traditional teachings to create meaningful art.

DATE: Wednesday, August 3, 2022

TIME: 7 – 8:00pm

LOCATION: Online – Zoom will be emailed to you

SPEAKER: Josy Thomas MODERATOR:  Diane Montreuil

Josy Thomas Bio

Josy Thomas learned early on the power and importance of the Longhouse Teachings. His grandfather, Jacob Thomas, started his training at age 6 until he passed away when Josy was 17. In 1998 he graduated from OCAD with a Masters in Fine Art. He has participated in a number of shows in the US and Canada. His latest show, Twisted Spirit, is a personal view of his life and expresses his feelings through his unique artistic voice. The show opened in the Musée Maison Amérindienne and will be showing in Toronto, at the Leslie Grove, in August.

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